Thursday, January 8, 2009

The truth about violence defines violence as (


swift and intense force: the violence of a storm.



rough or injurious physical force, action, or treatment: to die by violence.



an unjust or unwarranted exertion of force or power, as against rights or laws: to take over a government by violence.



a violent act or proceeding.



rough or immoderate vehemence, as of feeling or language: the violence of his hatred.



damage through distortion or unwarranted alteration: to do editorial violence to a text.

It pains me greatly to read what is transpiring in Gaza (\01\08\story_8-1-2009_pg1_8).

According to Wikipedia ( ) the IsraelPalestine conflict’s roots can be traced to late 19th century (1897). One would have thought that after more than a century of misunderstanding, the people would want a stop to all the unnecessary killings and sufferings due to the continuous confrontations. I guess  that was how the saying ‘violence begets violence’ came about.

Mahatma Gandhi (Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)) said “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind”. I find this adage applicable for the events that have transpired in the Middle East conflict. I visited ( and ( and came to the conclusion that history is indeed written by the victor. I find it difficult to trust the authenticity of records that dates back to 1800 B.C.

Each and everyone of us have a choice – if you think it is acceptable for a nation to invade another, please visit