Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The truth about babies

Most parents I come across end up telling me that babies are easy to take care. Little do they know that they are being taken care by the baby. You may think I am a lunatic but I have seen how a smile from a baby wipes away the frown on a parent’s face; mind you, that parent just lost his job and chances of him getting employed was bleak.

In this case, who is taking care of whom? Yes, the parent is taking care of the baby in terms of food, clothing and shelter but the baby ‘fed’ the parent’s emotional needs. Many adults sneer at me when I said that there are many things we can learn from babies; until I asked them whether it is true that babies ALWAYS stand up regardless of the number of times they fall down. I read in the newspapers that teens and adults commit suicide but have never come across an article of a baby committing suicide. How it is a baby can handle greater adversity than a teen or an adult? I believe the answer is simple: they are innocent (a polite term for ignorance), thus the saying “ignorance is bliss”.

I read somewhere children as young as 8 can master 5 different languages given the proper lessons. I am 30 but I dare not claim that I master a single language. It means that right from birth, babies never stop learning but as adults, somehow we decided that we can stop learning because we have hit a certain number in our age. What adults tend to brush off is that babies or young children is able to learn because they remain focused. After all, they have no bills to pay, no deadlines to hit, no social issues to deal with, no headaches to worry about who to vote for in the coming elections etc. Perhaps the stumbling block for adults to learn is how to remain focused despite surmounting issues?

Back to babies, there are babies who cry all the time and parents try different kind of tricks to get their babies to stop crying and in most cases, the parents will succeed in their mission. In the adult world, there are delinquents who misbehaves but do the rest of the adults try different kind of tricks to get them to behave? I have seen how one baby tries to calm another baby that is crying; mind you, these babies are total strangers to one another in a shopping mall. But I do not see adult strangers consoling one another if one of them cries.

Once the babies learn how to talk, it seems that nothing can stop them from talking. With the advancement of emails and SMS (text messaging), it seems that adults are talking less and less. The truth about babies: we have lots to learn from them.

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